Research HUBS

Immunity and Inflammation

Membrane Communication and remodeling 

Microbes in Health and Disease 

Personalized Epigenomics

Pain Forum

Rare Diseases

Disorders of the Mind and Brain

Bioengineering Materials, Cells, and Tissues

Developmental Biology

Molecular Biology of Aging

Gene Therapy and Genome Editing




Immunity and Inflammation


Hub director: Lior Mayo

Lior’s Lab

The Research Hub in Immunity and Inflammation aims to elucidate the mechanisms of inflammation and immune response underlying human disease and facilitate translating laboratory discoveries into new therapies.

Research areas: 


  • Immunology
  • Autoimmunity
  • Immuno-oncology
  • Microbiome
  • Infectious disease
  • Neuro-immunology and neurodegenerative disease
  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Drug development
  • New antimicrobial strategies
  • Immunotherapy



Membrane Communication and remodeling

Hub director: Ronit Sagi-Eisenberg

Intra and intercellular communication mediated by protein transport and membrane remodeling are essential processes for normal physiology, whose malfunctioning is linked with pathological pathways and disease.





Microbes in Health and Disease

Hub director: Elhanan Borenstein

Elhanan’s Lab

The Hub includes researchers from faculties across the university and TAU-affiliated hospitals, whose research involves microbiology, the microbiome, host/pathogen interactions and the effects and responses to antimicrobial drugs and compounds.


Research areas: 


  • Microbiology
  • Bacteria
  • Fungi
  • Viruses
  • Archea
  • Infectious disease
  • Microbiome
  • Plant pathology
  • Environment and ecology 
  • Community dynamics
  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Antimicrobial drugs
  • Drug development
  • New antimicrobial strategies
  • Evolution and drug resistance




Personalized Epigenomics

Hub director: Yuval Ebenstein


The BioMed @ TAU Research Hub in Personalized Epigenomics brings together the community of TAU researchers involved in exploring the epigenetic basis of normal development and disease. These investigators come from across the TAU faculties and affiliated hospitals and share an interest in the processes that alter gene activity without changing the DNA sequence. This rapidly growing field encompasses research into such areas as embryonic development, plant biology, neurodegenerative disease and cancer.





Pain Forum

Hub directors: Ruth Defrin and Silviu Brill

Requested photo:


Pain is major cause of suffering. Our mission is to brings together people who study or who are interested in studying pain and pain-related topics including scientists, clinicians, and students.

Our goals are to increase awareness to the problem of pain, to stimulate exchange of ideas, to encourage collaborations between hub members and mutual grant submissions and to inspire state of the art basic science and clinical studies on pain mechanisms, pain measurement, pain management and rehabilitation.




Rare Diseases

Hub directors:  Miguel Weil and Annick Rothschild


About Rare Diseases

An estimated 6% of the population is afflicted with a rare disease, a number comprised of predominately children (80%). This means that in Israel alone, rare diseases may affect around half a million people and impact the lives of many more, including parents and siblings. The health of these individuals and their families is a major societal challenge for Israel, and it requires the development of personalized adapted medicines and treatment strategies. For this reason, we formed the Research Hub in Rare Diseases at Tel Aviv University in collaboration with the Sheba Medical Center’s Institute of Rare Diseases to address the challenges linked to the care of these patients and their families.



With a strong network of researchers, clinicians and other partners, the Research Hub in Rare Diseases has the potential to target user communities (including industry partners) and policymakers and thus better empower patients and parents. Specific goals include:

  • Create new networks by stimulating more collaboration between clinicians, basic researchers, education specialists, public health specialists, computer scientists and other partners
  • Combine resources and expertise to conduct and manage robust studies, develop new treatments, and raise awareness to build these networks


Research Areas:

  • Biomedical research in rare diseases
  • Clinical work in rare diseases
  • Cell biology
  • Animal model systems
  • Biomedical devices
  • Metabolism
  • Bioinformatics
  • Public health
  • Big Data
  • Patient information policies
  • Legislation




Disorders of the Mind and Brain

Hub directors: Boaz Barak and Avi Ashkenazi


The BioMed@TAU Research Hub Disorders of the Mind and Brain is focused on understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of disorders involved in the brain and mind and ways to better diagnose and treat such disorders. 




Bioengineering Materials, Cells, and Tissues

Hub directors: Ben Maoz and Lihi Adler-Abramovich



The BioMed @ TAU Research Hub Bioengineering Materials, Cells and Tissues brings together the community of people at TAU working with these components. The Hub includes researchers from faculties across the university and TAU-affiliated hospitals interested in engineering and developing materials, cells, and tissues.




Developmental Biology

Hub directors: Ruth Ashery-Padan, Limor Landsman, and Chen Luxenberg



Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research- Molecular and cellular processes controlling tissue differentiation and organ development during embryo development and the relevance of disease.




Molecular Biology of Aging

Hub director: Danny Barr




Gene Therapy and Genome Editing

Hub director: Adi Barzel



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